The William Henry Fox Talbot Catalogue Raisonné
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Current results range from 12 to 23
Current results range from 9 to 23
- Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford3
- National Science and Media Museum3
- Houghton Library, Harvard University2
- St Petersburg Branch of the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences2
- The British Library2
- Victoria and Albert Museum2
- Bibliotheque Nationale, Collection d'Estampes1
- J. Paul Getty Museum1
- Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of American History1
- The Snite Museum of Art, University of Notre Dame1
- Harrison D. Horblit Collection Of Early Photography2
- Royal Photographic Society Collection2
- Science Museum Collection2
- Talbot Collection2
- The John Dillwyn Llewelyn Collection Of Talbot Photographic Materials2
- Archive Of William Henry Fox Talbot And The Talbot Family1
- Photographic History Collection1
- Trevelyan Collection1
Object within Schaaf no. 2962
Lacock Abbey, towards Sharington's Tower
Object Type: Salted Paper Print
Owner: National Science and Media Museum
Collection: Science Museum Collection
Object owner number: 1937-1596
Object within Schaaf no. 2297
Bromus Maximus [grass stem]
Object Type: Salted Paper Print
Owner: Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford
Collection: The John Dillwyn Llewelyn Collection Of Talbot Photographic Materials
Object owner number: Dep. d. 996, fol. 12r
Object within Schaaf no. 2318
Bust of Patroclus, taken with a camera obscura
Object Type: Salted Paper Print
Owner: The British Library
Collection: Talbot Collection
Object owner number: Talbot Photo 12(12)
Object within Schaaf no. 2265
From an old painted glass - head of an unknown saint
Object Type: Salted Paper Print
Owner: St Petersburg Branch of the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Object owner number: 1/2-1839/322
Object within Schaaf no. 4237
Window in the Hall Lacock Abbey
Object Type: Salted Paper Print
Owner: St Petersburg Branch of the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Object owner number: 1/2-1839/322
Object within Schaaf no. 2557
View of Lacock Abbey
Object Type: Salted Paper Print
Owner: National Science and Media Museum
Collection: Science Museum Collection
Object owner number: 1937-1499
Object within Schaaf no. 2254
Coat of arms, taken from old painted glass
Object Type: Salted Paper Print
Owner: National Science and Media Museum
Collection: Trevelyan Collection
Object owner number: 1997-5008
Object within Schaaf no. 2270
From an old painted glass - head of an unknown saint
Object Type: Salted Paper Print
Owner: J. Paul Getty Museum
Object owner number: 84.XZ.574.2
Object within Schaaf no. 460
Copy of a print by Sigismond Himely of a mill cottage by a bridge with a couple seated nearby
Object Type: Salted Paper Print
Owner: Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford
Collection: Archive Of William Henry Fox Talbot And The Talbot Family
Object owner number: MS. WHF Talbot photogr. 1
Object within Schaaf no. 3694
Oriel Window, South Gallery interior, Lacock Abbey
Object Type: Salted Paper Print
Owner: Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of American History
Collection: Photographic History Collection
Object owner number: 1995.0206.339
Object within Schaaf no. 3703
South Front of Lacock Abbey, toward's Sharington's Tower
Object Type: Salted Paper Print
Owner: The Snite Museum of Art, University of Notre Dame
Object owner number: 84.12.59
Object within Schaaf no. 471
Copy of a lithograph by Sigismond Himely of a rustic scene with cottage, couple and spinning wheel
Object Type: Salted Paper Print
Owner: Houghton Library, Harvard University
Collection: Harrison D. Horblit Collection Of Early Photography
Object owner number: Horblit TypPr 805.T820.116 Sz1
Object within Schaaf no. 4513
Stable Court at Lacock Abbey
Object Type: Salted Paper Print
Owner: The British Library
Collection: Talbot Collection
Object owner number: Talbot Photo 10(11)
Object within Schaaf no. 2560
The roofline of Lacock Abbey
Object Type: Salted Paper Print
Owner: Victoria and Albert Museum
Collection: Royal Photographic Society Collection
Object owner number: RPS.269:107.2017
Object within Schaaf no. 471
Copy of a lithograph by Sigismond Himely of a rustic scene with cottage, couple and spinning wheel
Object Type: Salted Paper Print
Owner: Houghton Library, Harvard University
Collection: Harrison D. Horblit Collection Of Early Photography
Object owner number: Horblit TypPr 805.T820.117 Sz1
Object within Schaaf no. 4944
Copy of an engraving of a shipwreck
Object Type: Salted Paper Print
Owner: Victoria and Albert Museum
Collection: Royal Photographic Society Collection
Object owner number: RPS.108-2017
Object within Schaaf no. 5240
Copy of a lithograph by Sigismond Himely of a rustic scene with cottage, couple and spinning wheel
Object Type: Salted Paper Print
Owner: Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford
Collection: The John Dillwyn Llewelyn Collection Of Talbot Photographic Materials
Object owner number: Dep. d. 996, fol. 32r
Object within Schaaf no. 156
Leaf of a Buckler Fern
Object Type: Salted Paper Print
Owner: Bibliotheque Nationale, Collection d'Estampes
Object owner number: Eo56[res]-03