Current results range from 1835 to 1848
Master record for Schaaf no. 4172
Created: Between 1 Aug 1835 and 20 May 1848
Location: Kenilworth Castle
Master record for Schaaf no. 4146
Master record for Schaaf no. 3739
Master record for Schaaf no. 3738
Master record for Schaaf no. 3571
Master record for Schaaf no. 3570
Master record for Schaaf no. 3569
Location: Castle Rising
Master record for Schaaf no. 3567
Created: Between 1 Aug 1835 and 20 Feb 1848
Master record for Schaaf no. 3566
Master record for Schaaf no. 3565
Master record for Schaaf no. 3564
Location: Dublin
Master record for Schaaf no. 3563
Master record for Schaaf no. 3562
Master record for Schaaf no. 3561
Master record for Schaaf no. 3560
Master record for Schaaf no. 3559
Location: Castle Acre Priory
Master record for Schaaf no. 3558
Master record for Schaaf no. 3557
Master record for Schaaf no. 3556
Master record for Schaaf no. 3555