Current results range from 1835 to 1863
Master record for Schaaf no. 3424
Location: Lacock Abbey
Master record for Schaaf no. 3438
Master record for Schaaf no. 3675
Created: 24 Dec 1840
Master record for Schaaf no. 2551
Created: 25 Jan 1841
Master record for Schaaf no. 1672
Master record for Schaaf no. 2025
Created: 11 Aug 1843
Master record for Schaaf no. 3674
Created: Between 1 Jan 1840 and 14 Jun 1840
Master record for Schaaf no. 523
Master record for Schaaf no. 3666
Master record for Schaaf no. 522
Master record for Schaaf no. 310
Master record for Schaaf no. 311
Master record for Schaaf no. 313
Master record for Schaaf no. 312
Created: Between 1 Aug 1835 and 30 Jun 1845
Master record for Schaaf no. 314
Master record for Schaaf no. 315
Master record for Schaaf no. 316
Master record for Schaaf no. 2491
Created: 6 Oct 1840
Master record for Schaaf no. 1137
Master record for Schaaf no. 3392