The William Henry Fox Talbot Catalogue Raisonné
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- National Science and Media Museum3
- Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of American History3
- Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford1
- Cleveland Museum of Art1
- Harry Ransom Center, The University of Texas1
- Museum of Modern Art (MoMA)1
- The British Library1
- The Metropolitan Museum of Art1
- Yale Center for British Art1
Object within Schaaf no. 2027
Two statuettes of angels
Object Type: Salted Paper Print
Owner: National Science and Media Museum
Collection: Science Museum Collection
Object owner number: 1937-2536/36
Object within Schaaf no. 2027
Two statuettes of angels
Object Type: Salted Paper Print
Owner: National Science and Media Museum
Collection: Science Museum Collection
Object owner number: 1937-2533/38
Object within Schaaf no. 69
IV. Articles of Glass.
Object Type: Salted Paper Print
Owner: Cleveland Museum of Art
Object owner number: 1992.121
Object within Schaaf no. 69
IV. Articles of Glass.
Object Type: Salted Paper Print
Owner: Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford
Collection: Archive Of William Henry Fox Talbot And The Talbot Family
Object owner number: MS. WHF Talbot photogr. 4
Object within Schaaf no. 1444
Opposite the Angel Inn, Oxford
Object Type: Salted Paper Print
Owner: Harry Ransom Center, The University of Texas
Collection: Gernsheim Collection
Object owner number: 964:0064:0006
Object within Schaaf no. 69
IV. Articles of Glass.
Object Type: Salted Paper Print
Owner: Yale Center for British Art
Object owner number: B2018.20.4
Object within Schaaf no. 69
V. Articles of Glass.
Object Type: Salted Paper Print
Owner: The British Library
Collection: Talbot Collection
Object owner number: Talbot Photo 16(11)
Object within Schaaf no. 69
IV. Articles of Glass.
Object Type: Salted Paper Print
Owner: Museum of Modern Art (MoMA)
Object owner number: 1968.2008
Object within Schaaf no. 5172
Articles of glass on three shelves [variant]
Object Type: Salted Paper Print
Owner: National Science and Media Museum
Collection: Science Museum Collection
Object owner number: 1937-1551
Object within Schaaf no. 69
IV. Articles of Glass.
Object Type: Salted Paper Print
Owner: Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of American History
Collection: Photographic History Collection
Object owner number: 67.172.55
Object within Schaaf no. 69
IV. Articles of Glass.
Object Type: Salted Paper Print
Owner: The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Object owner number: 1988.1047
Object within Schaaf no. 5348
Indistinct white mass, possibly through foliage
Object Type: Salted Paper Print
Owner: Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of American History
Collection: Photographic History Collection
Object owner number: 1995.0206.549
Object within Schaaf no. 5347
[image darkened - indecipherable]
Object Type: Salted Paper Print
Owner: Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of American History
Collection: Photographic History Collection
Object owner number: 1995.0206.548