The William Henry Fox Talbot Catalogue Raisonné
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- National Science and Media Museum44
- The British Library11
- Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities1
- Bibliotheque Nationale, Collection d'Estampes1
- Bill Douglas Cinema Museum, University of Exeter1
- National Gallery of Canada1
- Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of American History1
- Victoria and Albert Museum1
- [Private Owner]1
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Master record for Schaaf no. 290
Four men at St. Patrick's Cathedral graveyard, Dublin
Location: Dublin
Master record for Schaaf no. 288
Two men pose in the graveyard of St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin
Location: Dublin
Master record for Schaaf no. 2635
St. Cyriac's Church from the graveyard, Lacock
Created: 5 Apr 1842
Location: Lacock
Master record for Schaaf no. 2634
St. Cyriac's Church from the graveyard, Lacock
Created: 5 Apr 1842
Location: Lacock