The William Henry Fox Talbot Catalogue Raisonné


Object within Schaaf no. 3695

South Front with Oriel Windows, Lacock Abbey

Object details

Created: Between 1 Jan 1840 and 30 Jun 1840

Image size: h 9.1cm x w 7.7cm

Paper size: h 11.2cm x w 9.3cm

Object Type: Salted Paper Print

Inscription: in ink verso, in Talbot's hand: Lacock Abbey; in pencil, verso pencil (not by Talbot): H.F. Talbot phot.; in ink, verso: C.a. ad XII 3839 Z 34; in pencil verso: original

1985-2005, Museum Ludwig, Agfa Foto-Historama, Köln, (Loan since 1985); Image credits: Rheinisches Bildarchiv (rba_d044715)
1955-2005, Agfa Foto-Historama, Leverkusen, ehem. Inv.-Nr.: A? (Purchase 1955)
until 1955, Erich Stenger, Berlin

Owner: Museum Ludwig (previously Agfa Foto-Historama)

Object owner number: FH 02788