The William Henry Fox Talbot Catalogue Raisonné


Object within Schaaf no. 3763

Copy of a bas-relief by Montanes, "Santa Teresa de Jesus"

Object details

Alternate titles

"The Annals of the Artists of Spain", plate 14

Image size: h 7.7cm x w 6.3cm

Object Type: Salted Paper Print

Matilda Talbot 1934

Owner: National Science and Media Museum

Object owner number: 1937-3395/16

Collection: Science Museum Collection

This object is part of Schaaf no. 3763

Copy of a bas-relief by Juan Martinez Montanes, "Santa Teresa de Jesus"

Keywords: Sculpture

The artist and title above describe how the artwork was described by Stirling Maxwell in, "The Annals of the Artists of Spain" (1848). Since the publication research has shown that the original polychrome terracotta relief is more likely to be by an artist from the circle of Juan Martinez Montanes, while the title is now believed to be, "St. Catherine of Siena Receiving the Rosary from the Virgin and Child", c.1620-50. (Macartney and Matilla, "Copied by the Sun: Talbotype Illustrations to The Annals of the Artists of Spain by Sir William Stirling Maxwell", Madrid, 2016)