The William Henry Fox Talbot Catalogue Raisonné

Master record for Schaaf no. 3669

Copy of the engraved title page from, "Inclytae Regiae Societati Londinensi", Johann Jakob Scheuchzer, 1723

Attributed to: William Henry Fox Talbot

Keywords: Fossils

The Latin title of the book Talbot used to create his photographic copy translates as, "Renowned Royal Society of London". The book is dedicated to Sir Isaac Newton.

The names of two artists are associated with the creation of the original engraving that illustrates the title page. Both their names are engraved in the margin below the image. Anna Waser (b. 1678) was a Swiss engraver and miniaturist painter, while Joseph Nutting (1660–1722) was an English engraver, known for his book frontispieces.